Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LIfe Happens

Ciao ciao!

So I'm having an affair. Remember that sly little fucker I told you about named Insomnia? Well, he's back and has complete hold of me...Insomina has been seducing me since I was 12 years old---I know that sounds abusive and gross. But it's true. I've been doing this dance with this cat for years. I cannot sleep. It's 3 am and I'm hyper and crazy. But I'm enjoying a glass of vino and watching my favorite movie Ghostworld.

I know I know, wine disrupts sleep...but shuddup (reaching for chocolate now). I'm gonna drink it anyway. I love Insomnia. I know I should be drinking warm milk or eating turkey for the tryptophan to induce sleep...but as the old folks say "ion't believe fat meat is greasy." I luff him. Insomnia. The excitement and havoc it causes. You know you should be sleeping...sleep is the body's way of repairing cells, and metaphysically speaking allowing you to communicate with the other worlds. Fairies, spirits, loas, dead loved ones...hell aliens too. But I don't feel like any anal probing tonight.

And for the record, this is not a drink and blog. In my 20s I useta do drink-n-dials, but now I'm way more evolved. I'm too mature for that. So instead I hop online and send my thoughts into the blogesphere for future ridicule and scrutiny.

I do some of my best work this way. Characters come alive (Fedra was written in insomniac induced states). Past due bills get paid (well, in my head they do), floors get waxed, canned foods get organized, Antique Road Show gets extra commentary from me, Tex Avery cartoons watched on YouTube and I eat the dumbest shit. Well tonight ain't bad. Almonds and Malbec. But I feel so free with Insomia. I can eat...no DO whatever I want. Of course there's always a heavy price to pay in the a.m.

Well, my would be lover [Insomnia] is distracting me from writing. Okay back to Ghostworld. I'm hoping to write a short film tonight. It'll be about a woman who suffers from Insomia, kills alien probers, runs away to Reykjavik and play in a band called McDonaldland Cookies.

Insomia got my mind all twisted. Ah well, life happens amigos.

And so...adios!

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